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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

dunia MASTER-ji ku


A.Salim & N.Ujang

Comfort in urban walkways of Kuala Lumpur commercial districts has been continuously neglected and this resulted in their low level of walkbility. This condition influences the pedestrian experience of public spaces and the perceived image of the pedestrian network. It is assumed that the walkways are not walkable due to the lack of supportive elements in the design. This paper discusses the criteria of walkable environment that influence comfort and walkability. Some of the important criteria include context, urban structure, accessibility, linkage, permeability and safety.the study measures the walkability by evaluating the selected urban walkways in the commercial districts of Kuala Lumpur. The result indicate that safety and linkage strongly determine the walkability of the walkways. These include the need for natural surveillance, continuous pedestrian walkways, and clear signage. It is concluded that these factors influence the way people use the walkways and the sense of physical comfort. The findings contributes to walkable environment in Kuala Lumpur commercial districts therefore need to be considered in the urban design process. Provision of comfortable walkway will encourage walking and helps increasing the quality of life in terms of health and lifestyles.

keyword: comfort, walkability, walkable environment, urban walkways

(do not copy or cited any words from the abstract above without permission of the authors. copy right reserved)

wakakkakakak~~ padam muke korg kn bace keje aku! lalalalalla~~ berilmiah gile en3 aku kali ni~~ saje je nk share kerja aku utk master ni~ faham ke x faham ke, lantak la yer~ bace je la utk menambah ilmu dan perkasakn lagi bahasa~

tp sebenarnye, abstract tu suda gile2 diedit oleh supervisor aku~ hahahahaha~ nk buat cmne, aku ni bukan pandai sgt la nk writing2 neh kan~ aku tibai ikut sedap mulut aku menyebut je~

btw,abstract kat ats tu aku submit to UM sbb aku attend satu seminaryg UM anjur iaitu 5th Asean Post Graduate Seminar yg akan belangsung on 1-2 NOV nt~ lmbt lagi~~ tp abtsract da anto bulan lepas, accepted, and now kn buat full paper plak~

da x byk mase sbnrnye sbb aku byk main2... sebulan je lagi tinggal to due date full paper, jadi, kn stop dl la~ aku kn serius, sbb besenye mood aku lepas jupe supervisor jadi lain, jadi smangat nk buat keje!

so, b4 mood tu ilangkan, wa cau dl.. nk buat keje neh! dada, didi, dudu~~~


Mom said...

bagus2 study dulu, bisness2 letak tepi. Utamakah belajar

lady elle said...

seiring dan sejalan la mii~~ hehehe
